With Their Busy Needles Mini-Symposium

Registration Now Open Speakers and Sessions All times are Eastern Daylight Time 12:30 – With Their Busy Needles: Celebrating Samplers in LitchfieldAlexandra Peters, Collector & Guest CuratorAlex Dubois, Curator, Litchfield Historical Society 1:00 – Friends Across the Atlantic: Quaker Needlework in 17th-Century London and 18th-Century PhiladelphiaIsabella Rosner, PhDCurator, Royal School of Needlework It is a … Continue reading “With Their Busy Needles Mini-Symposium”

Stitching Stories

Stitching Stories, a new exhibit at the Litchfield Historical Society, tells the story of quiltmaking in Litchfield from the nineteenth century to the present. Featuring five standout examples from the Society’s collection and one piece on loan from a local quilter, the exhibit examines the various stories told with needle and thread: stories of quilt … Continue reading “Stitching Stories”

Antiquarian to Accredited

Antiquarian to Accredited also explores the individual stories surrounding the objects and papers in our collection. From the unique viewpoints of our staff, board members, volunteers, and other guest contributors, the labels are written in a conversational tone to best express their personal interest in the object. Visitors will be encouraged to share their own favorite experience or object in the museum.

Antiquarian to Accredited also explores the individual stories surrounding the objects and papers in our collection. From the unique viewpoints of our staff, board members, volunteers, and other guest contributors, the labels are written in a conversational tone to best express their personal interest in the object. Visitors will be encouraged to share their own favorite experience or object in the museum.