With Their Busy Needles Mini-Symposium

Registration Now Open Speakers and Sessions 12:30 – With Their Busy Needles: Celebrating Samplers in LitchfieldAlexandra Peters, Collector & Guest CuratorAlex Dubois, Curator, Litchfield Historical Society 1:00 – Friends Across the Atlantic: Quaker Needlework in 17th-Century London and 18th-Century PhiladelphiaIsabella Rosner, PhDCurator, Royal School of Needlework It is a well-established fact in the field of … Continue reading “With Their Busy Needles Mini-Symposium”

To Come to a Land of Milk and Honey: Virtual Tour

Reopening for In-Person Visits April 27, 2024 Imagine taking Connecticut’s northern and southern borders and extending them west to the Pacific Ocean. Under the terms of a royal charter given to the colony in1662, Connecticut was to stretch from the “Narraganset-Bay on the East, to the South Sea on the West Part.” Following the model … Continue reading “To Come to a Land of Milk and Honey: Virtual Tour”