Helga J. Ingraham Memorial Library

…granted for one-time use only, English language world rights and a use-fee is charged for commercial orders. Any subsequent use of materials in any media including, but not limited to,…

Tapping Reeve House and Litchfield Law School

…The Litchfield Enquirer on November 11, 1830, “presents advantages enjoyed by few, if any, institutions of the kind of our country. It has sent forth into the world many gentlemen…

For School and Youth Groups

…and safety of our visitors and staff is our highest priority. Many of our programs can be held in our outdoor if necessary. Program leaders will wear masks if requested….


…a specific item or collection which you are unable to locate, please contact the Archivist at archivist@litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org or Curator at curator@litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org. Search BentoSpace is a search tool that the we…


…accompanied by annotations, offer an in-depth exploration of historic design influences and ethnic inspiration. This volume is a source of interest and inspiration to individuals from fashion historians to costume…

Contact Us

Whatever your interest in the society, feel free to contact us. Staff is always happy to answer your questions. If you are interested in conducting research in the society’s artifact…

Museums & Library

Museums and Hours The Litchfield History Museum exhibits the evolution of Litchfield, Connecticut from its settlement in 1719 to today. Through changing exhibits, artifacts and archives, as well as hands-on…

Virtual Tours

Tapping Reeve House The Tapping Reeve House and Litchfield Law School takes visitors on a journey into the life of a student arriving in Litchfield to study at one of…