Litchfield History Museum

7 South Street, Litchfield, CT 06759 About the Museum The Litchfield History Museum exhibits the evolution of the town of Litchfield, CT from its settlement in 1719 to today. Through changing exhibits, artifacts…

Museums & Library

Museums and Hours The Litchfield History Museum exhibits the evolution of Litchfield, Connecticut from its settlement in 1719 to today. Through changing exhibits, artifacts and archives, as well as hands-on…

Documenting COVID-19 in Litchfield

world of Web archiving. Staff time and digital storage constraints have prevented us from attempting this before, but so much of the response to the pandemic is online that we must…

Tapping Reeve Meadow

…The Tapping Reeve Meadow introduces adult, family and school audiences to the natural world as lens for better understanding our past. The site features elements of the historic landscape and

Helga J. Ingraham Memorial Library

…granted for one-time use only, English language world rights and a use-fee is charged for commercial orders. Any subsequent use of materials in any media including, but not limited to,…


…events from the Historical Society’s collections. Today, the Historical Society collects items with historical value or meaning significant to the institutional mission, with an emphasis on the history of the…

Tours & Programs

…for all groups. A minimum of two weeks in advance of the program date is appreciated. Email the Educator at or call (860) 567-4501 to book your program today!…