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Asa Gray

November 18, 1810
January 30, 1888
Home Town:
Sauquoit, NY
Later Residences:
Cambridge, MA
Jane Loring Gray (1848)
Biographical Notes:
A devout Christian as an adult Gray had been born in Sauquoit, New York in 1810, and became an M.D. in 1831. However, he relinquished medicine for botany, and in 1842 was appointed professor of natural history at Harvard University, a post he retained until 1873. Through the donation of an immense book and plant collection numbering in the thousands, he effectively created the botany department at Harvard; the Gray Herbarium is named after him. He was President of the AAAS in 1871. In 1859, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

He was a pupil of John Torrey, with whom he worked closely; they published the Flora of North America together. The "Elements of Botany" (1836), an introductory textbook, was the first of Gray's many works.

Gray ...

Other Education:
Fairfield Medical College, Fairfield, NY (1831)

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